Virtual currencies, real risks. The only guarantee in crypto is risk.
there is no legal mechanism on the virtual currencies market to prevent market manipulation or insider dealing;
virtual currencies depend entirely on a specific computer technology and infrastructure, which in certain cases may be very recent and not yet adequately tested;
if one loses the identification code or password giving access to the virtual wallet in which the virtual currency is stored, the currency held therein will be irretrievably lost;
virtual currencies are currently accepted as a means of payment to a limited extent, and in most countries there is no legal obligation to accept them;
for more information about the risks associated with an investment in virtual currencies, we advise you to read the Wikifin page What is a cryptocurrency?
Shares Pro
Product Roadmap
Welcome to the Shares Pro Roadmap where you can see exactly what the team is building next. Got an idea you’d like to share? Shoot us an email at and we’ll do our best to add it to the roadmap.
In progress
SEPA direct debit
Payments accepted via direct debit
PEA transfer
The ability to transfer an end client’s PEA to Shares Pro.
Obtain LEI via Shares
Receive a businesses’ LEI number directly in Shares Pro
Edit a plan
The ability to edit an Investment Plan (such as buying/selling assets)
Mutual funds
The addition of a new asset class
Client portal
A portal where the end client can view their portfolios
Onboard SEL, SPFPL, & SCI companies
Adding more types of legal structures for companies, each with its own specific purpose and regulations
Two-factor authentication login
Structured products
The addition of a new asset class
Admin account
An account mode where a CGP company admin can view the stats of all CGPs
PER retirement savings accounts
The addition of a new account type
Plan templates
Investment Plans can be saved as a template for future use
Pause a Plan
The ability to pause an Investment Plan
Business account
A wrapper where business owners can invest their spare company cash
Pending orders
Orders now show as ‘pending’ if made outside market opening hours
Gold, silver and platinum.
Client investment experience
A CGP can view a client’s investment inside their profile